FitBit Craze

February 24, 2015 2:37 pm Published by

Here at Turbine we love getting into the latest and greatest in technology. Lately that’s meant nearly everyone in the office buying themselves a FitBit. It’s almost all we can talk about!

Since we’re working so hard to improve our own step counts, we thought we’d tell you a little more about how we’re using our FitBits.


Model: FitBit Flex

Likes: Keeping track of how much I sleep, how much I move, and how much water I drink. I’m pretty competitive, so I really enjoy the showdown challenges and trying to beat my friends.

Dislikes: Realizing how little I move. It’s a struggle every day to get anywhere near my goal.

Lifestyle Impact: I’ve  been drinking a lot more water, and make an effort to pick a far away parking spot, I gotta get those steps in any way I can!



Model: FitBit Charge

Likes: I love the data it tracks – gives me amazing insights into my normal day to day lifestyle along with my normal fitness regimen.

Dislikes: I would love a slightly bigger screen and more accurate step tracking.

Lifestyle Impact: It’s made a huge change.  I am very cognizant of being sedentary during the day and enjoy the friendly challenges that push you even further.


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This post was written by wpadmin

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