3 Ways to Use Social Media for Local PR

February 7, 2014 6:21 pm Published by

We all know getting involved in the community is a great way to build a great public image for your company, but what about getting involved in your community’s social media? It’s an easy way to build public relations for you business without spending a whole bunch of cash in the process. Here are a few examples of how to do it.

  1. Supporting Local Sports Teams: Let’s say your company is located in a city with a college or a high school nearby. Wish the team good luck in their next game and see if you can get them to tweet back and forth with you. You could even tweet or post a picture with sports gear on wishing the team good luck.keep-calm-and-support-local-charities
  2. Supporting Local Causes: It is great to get involved and reach out to national causes, but if you can reach out to local causes, it will be really help your image in the local community. If a non-profit is having a big fundraiser, tweet questions to them about it and get engagement with them. Wish them luck on it and encourage followers to attend the events.
  3. Engaging Local Celebrities: Every community has local celebrities that are special to members of their communities. Some examples could include local news channels, coaches, or athletes from local colleges. Respond to questions they have on social media or ask them your own. The more engagement that happens on social media, the more value it will bring to your business.

Every community is different and what works in one local community may not work in the other. Be sure to figure out what your community values, who they follow and how you can get involved with the cause. Getting involved in your community in the digital world will help build your credibility along and can bring huge value to your company’s PR campaign.

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This post was written by wpadmin

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