10 Facebook Facts for 10 Years

February 4, 2014 8:01 pm Published by

10 facebookHappy 10th Birthday Facebook! In honor of this historic event, we dug the internet to find 10 random facts about the incredible 10 year history of this company:

1Peter Thiel, co-founder of Paypal, was the venture capitalist who invested $500,000 in Facebook back in 2004.

2) The true meaning of the “poke” still remains unknown. If people ask Zuckerberg himself he will respond with the answer from the FAQ section of the website.

3) Ezra Callahan, one of Facebook’s co-founders, claims that Facebook’s success was “just the dumbest luck.”

4) The amount of fake profiles on Facebook in 2012 was roughly the population of Egypt at 83 million.

5) The like and share buttons are viewed more than 22 million times a day.

6) Facebook has teamed up with NYU’s Center for Data Science to help make leaps into artificial intelligence.

7) David Choe: This artist painted murals in the original Facebook offices, and the young startup paid him in stock instead of cash. That stock was eventually worth over $200 million, but the artist claims it really didn’t change his life for the better.

8) 1 in 6 Facebook users only access the site through mobile devices.

9) Instagram now can boast 55 million pictures a day being uploaded to the application.

10) Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire on the Bloomberg 150.

No matter how you feel about Facebook, it is absolutely incredible what they have accomplished in the last decade. It will be incredible to see what the next 10 years holds for the company. We thank www.mashable.com for the incredible amount of data on their website about Facebook and all facts and figures came from articles on this website.

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This post was written by wpadmin

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